On 9-14 September 2015 Project Team members took part in a field workshop organized by the Department of Monuments and Sites of the Vest-Agder Regional Council. The Norwegian Partners presented a number of important aspects of the activity of the conservation services in Vest-Agder and reported on the status of archaeological research in their region. There was also a discussion about a future exhibition and publications planned within the Project. The Polish guests presented their report on current progress of the work made within the Project, in particular, on the results of non-invasive research and excavations carried out so far. Also discussed was the methodology of archaeological research in Norway and Poland, with some exchange of experience. As part of the workshop Polish participants of the Project were invited for a walk around Kristiansand and were shown the sites and buildings central to that city’s history. They also paid a visit to the open-air museum to view its exhibition of remarkable historic timber buildings from the region of Vest-Agder. Next, the Norwegian hosts organized a few days’ tour of the northern and the southern part of the region, taking the Polish participants of the workshop to see the key archaeological sites in this part of Norway, such as the barrow field at Stallemo, the settlement complex at Sosteli and the grave field at Snartemo. A visit was made also to the Tingvatn historical park, with its main attraction the assembly site (Ting) within a stone circle, and to the local centre for the promotion of culture heritage. The conclusion of the tour was a visit to the historical sites on the Lista peninsula, such as Jærberget, with the extraordinary rock carvings from the Bronze Age, and Nordberg – a German fort from World War II. On this second day the Norwegian hosts introduced their guests from Poland to their approach to the conservation of culture heritage and to educating the general public about the archaeological and historical heritage in the region of Vest-Agder.